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Hosted Control Planes

In this section we will deploy a ROSA cluster using Hosted Control Planes (HCP).

In short, with ROSA HCP you can decouple the control plane from the data plane (workers). This is a new deployment model for ROSA in which the control plane is hosted in a Red Hat owned AWS account. Therefore the control plane is no longer hosted in your AWS account thus reducing your AWS infrastructure expenses. The control plane is dedicated to a single cluster and is highly available. See the documentation for more about Hosted Control Planes.


As of this writing Hosted Control Planes (HCP) is currently a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete.


ROSA HCP requires two things to be created before deploying the cluster:

  1. VPC - This is a "bring-your-own VPC" model (also referred to as BYO-VPC)
  2. OIDC configuration (and an OIDC provider with that specific configuration)

Let's create those first.


  1. Before creating your VPC ensure that your aws cli is configured to use a region where ROSA w/HCP is available. To find out which regions are supported run:

    rosa list regions --hosted-cp
  2. Create the VPC. For this workshop, there is a script provided that will create the VPC and its required components for you. It will use the region configured for the aws cli.

    Please feel free to read it first, or live on the edge and just run it.

    curl | bash

    See the documentation for more about VPC requirements.

  3. There are two commands that are outputted from the script. Set those as environment variables to make running the create cluster command easier. Copy them from the output and run them.

    export PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID=<public subnet id here>
    export PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID=<private subnet id here>
  4. Confirm that the environment variables are, in fact, set.

    echo "Public Subnet: $PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID"; echo "Private Subnet: $PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID"

    Sample Output:

    Public Subnet: subnet-0faeeeb0000000000
    Private Subnet: subnet-011fe340000000000

OIDC Configuration#

To create the OIDC configuration to be used in this workshop, run the following command. We are opting for the automatic mode as this is simpler for the workshop purposes as well as for it to be Red Hat managed. We are also going to store the OIDC ID to an environment variable for later use. Notice that the following command uses the ROSA CLI to create your cluster’s unique OIDC configuration.

export OIDC_ID=$(rosa create oidc-config --mode auto --managed --yes -o json | jq -r '.id')

Helper environment variables#

Let's set up some environment variables so that it will be easier to run the command for creating the ROSA HCP cluster.

export CLUSTER_NAME=<enter cluster name>
export REGION=<region VPC was created in>

Create the cluster#

If this is the first time you are deploying ROSA in this account and have not yet created the account roles, then create the account-wide roles and policies, including Operator policies. Since ROSA makes use of AWS Security Token Service (STS), this step creates the AWS IAM roles and policies that are needed for ROSA to interact within your account.

  1. Run the following command to create the account-wide roles:

    rosa create account-roles --mode auto --yes
  2. Run the following command to create the cluster:

    rosa create cluster --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
        --subnet-ids ${PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID},${PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID} \
        --hosted-cp \
        --region $REGION \
        --oidc-config-id $OIDC_ID \
        --sts --mode auto --yes

    In about 10 minutes the control plane and API will be up, and about 5-10 minutes after, the worker nodes will be up and the cluster will be completely usable. This cluster will have a control plane across three AWS availability zones in your selected region, in a Red Hat AWS account and will also create 2 worker nodes in your AWS account.

Check installation status#

  1. You can run the following command to check the detailed status of the cluster:

    rosa describe cluster --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME

    or you can run the following for an abridged view of the status:

    rosa list clusters

    Lastly, you can also watch the logs as it progresses:

    rosa logs install --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME --watch
  2. Once the state changes to “ready” your cluster is now installed. It may take a few more minutes for the worker nodes to come online.